Mark Horton

Thursday the Rabbi Doubled

In 1965 Harry Kemelman won an Edgar Award for Best First Novel, Friday the Rabbi Slept Late, featuring the Rabbi David Small, which became a huge bestseller. If the Rabbi Small had been a bridge player the title might have been different.

Dealer: South

Vul: Both

K 10 8 7
J 10 7
A K J 9 6 4
West East
9 6 5 3 Q J 4
Q 10 8 A K 9 2
A K 9 8 3 Q 6 2
Q 10 8 5
A 2
J 7 6 5 4 3
5 4
7 3 2
West North: Horton

East South: Helman

1 2 Dbl Pass
2 Pass 3 Dbl
Pass Pass 4 Pass
5 Dbl All Pass

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