Mark Horton

Meet My Maker: The Mad Multi

If Jan van Cleeff and I were planning a second edition of The Mysterious Multi then many of the deals from this tournament would find their way into the book. They would confirm that not only can the Multi cause enormous problems for even well prepared opponents but also result in some serious self harm, as on this deal from the match between England and Germany in Round 14 of the Open:

Board 9

Dealer: North

Vul: E/W


K Q 2

J 10 7 6 5


K 6 4 2


J 9

K 9 3 2

K J 7 4

10 9 3


A 10 7 6 5 4

Q 8

10 6 3 2


8 3

A 4

A Q 8 5

A Q J 7 5


West North East South
McIntosh Wladow Sandqvist Elinescu
Pass 2 D Dbl
2 H Dbl All Pass


That breach of the ‘Law of Total Trumps’ cost 1100 points.

It is possible to ascribe various meanings to West’s bid of 2], the two most common being that it is ‘pass or correct’ or natural.

If any reader is willing to give me a large number of Euros I will enquire of the English pair as to exactly who forgot what, but suffice it to say that it added another instalment to the chapter of this colourful convention.

1 Comment

Ric DearingJuly 20th, 2010 at 3:49 pm

If EW had been playing Muidreberg , an opening 2S could be passed or if W decides to bid(?) 2NT the diamond 4-4 fit will be found. To what use were McIntosh and Sanqvist putting the bids of 2H and 2S? A prime reason for using the multi is to liberate these bids for a useful purpose.

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